«In the CAS Self-Management (FHNW), Medbase Fit at Work teaches content on exercise, nutrition,…»

After a challenging day at work, spending two hours in the gym does little to help you relax. We show you how you can relax with the right kind of exercise.
How do you fuel your brain to help you complete all your tasks effectively? We can achieve more with a healthy, balanced diet.
How do you stay relaxed in daily life? What role does the autonomic nervous system play? We provide answers to these questions and present a number of short exercises.
Smartphone and other devices are extremely useful, but they also demand a lot of our time and attention. We show you surprising findings from research and offer tips for a healthy relationship with digital media.
Restful sleep lays the foundation for preventing burnout. What can help and what disrupts sleep? Using efficient exercises that can easily be integrated in daily life, we show you how to get a good night’s sleep.
Why do some people deal with everyday problems and stress better than others? Because they are more resilient. The good news is that you can learn to become resilient. We show you how.
Mental health requires more than just an absence of stress. It includes belief in oneself, a positive mindset, a sense of purpose, an active mind and spirit, and belonging to a community. We show you how this can be done.
Tension and back pain are often caused by poor posture, lack of exercise, and stress. We inform employees how they can improve back health with very little effort and enjoy more stability, strength, and energy.
Gain an idea of how Medbase Fit im Job webinars run. We offer:
We have been coaching renowned companies for over 30 years in OHM. Our satisfied customers have increased productivity, reduced absences, and saved a lot of money thanks to the OHM measures.
«In the CAS Self-Management (FHNW), Medbase Fit at Work teaches content on exercise, nutrition,…»
«The seminars by Medbase Fit im Job are usually booked out really quickly and also the feedback…»
«Our goal is to improve health behavior in the long run. Medbase Fit im Job supports our employees…»
«The sustainable and practical approach by Medbase Fit im Job helps our employees deliver excellent…»
«Our employees received a complete check as well as advice. What was learned in just 75 minutes was…»