Individual medical checkups

Medical checkups for individual employees can be booked with our partner company Medbase Checkup Center in Zurich. The individual range of checkups can also be integrated into existing occupational health management as a long-term service.

Content of the individual medical checkups

The Medbase Checkup Center in Zurich carries out individual medical checkups for sustainable health prevention. The goal is to conduct a comprehensive medical assessment of employees’ current health. Special attention is paid to individual advice. The physician and prevention consultant set aside the necessary time and show where personal health can be improved.

Depending on the requirement, a wide range of checks are available.

Request a consultation


Health prevention with “Medical Check Basic”

The “Medical Check Basic” consists of a medical assessment of the employees’ personal state of health followed by a brief consultation review with a doctor and prevention consultant with the aim of optimizing health in the future.

More information can be found in the flyer

Health prevention with “Medical Check Plus”

The “Medical Check Plus” consists of comprehensive diagnostics and the identification of possible risk factors as well as existing health resources. Based on the anamnesis and diagnostics, the physician and prevention consultant provide participants with individual advice on health prevention measures as well as the corresponding tools for long-term implementation.

More information can be found in the flyer

Health prevention with “Medical Check Premium”

The “Medical Check Premium” consists of an evidence-based and comprehensive medical examination, as well as diagnostics performed according to the latest scientific criteria, in the areas of fitness, back health, nutrition, and heart rate variability. It focuses on detailed and individual advice from a physician and prevention consultant with comprehensive measures for preventing stress.

More information can be found in the flyer

    Benefits of the individual checkup

    • Comprehensive laboratory examination
    • Medical examination
    • Medical diagnostics
    • Depending on the check: diagnostics in the areas of nutrition, fitness, stress, and sleep
    • Consultation and advice from a physician
    • Depending on the check: prevention advice as well as coaching, including training plans, exercise programs, and a nutrition plan
    • Depending on the check: summary of laboratory findings and health results or a detailed checkup report

    Individual checkup details

    Book now

    Questions about individual medical checkups?

    We will be happy to answer your questions and advise you on our range of individual medical checkups. Contact us!

    Dr. rer. nat. Michael Schwarz, Director of Medbase Checkup Center

    [Translate to Englisch:] Dr. rer. nat. Michael Schwarz ist Leiter des Medbase Checkup Center.Request a no-obligation consultation

    For more than 30 years, we have been supporting renowned companies with occupational health promotion and medical checkups. As a result, our satisfied customers have increased productivity, reduced absences, and saved a lot of money.

    «In the CAS Self-Management (FHNW), Medbase Fit at Work teaches content on exercise, nutrition,…»

    University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, School of Business, Institute for Human Resource Management

    Prof. Dr. Anita Graf

    Prof. Dr. Anita Graf

    «The seminars by Medbase Fit im Job are usually booked out really quickly and also the feedback…»

    ZHAW Finances & Services

    Karin Graf, Fachspezialistin HR Development

    Karin Graf, Fachspezialistin HR Development

    «Our goal is to improve health behavior in the long run. Medbase Fit im Job supports our employees…»

    Siemens Schweiz AG

    Esther Kupferschmied, Head of Health Management & Social Services

    Esther Kupferschmied, Head of Health Management & Social Services

    «The sustainable and practical approach by Medbase Fit im Job helps our employees deliver excellent…»

    BDO AG

    Gabriela Verhoek, Head HR

    Gabriela Verhoek, Head HR

    «Our employees received a complete check as well as advice. What was learned in just 75 minutes was…»

    Mobiliar AG

    Andreas Gross, Leiter Human Development Marketing

    Andreas Gross, Leiter Human Development Marketing

    Supplementary services for medical checkups

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    To top

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